Thursday, June 18, 2020


Keith was busy during the confinement period. He had small scraps of wood, and of course could not buy any new wood with everything closed. So he started to make items with the wood he had.

I cleaned and sorted, but although I feel some accomplishment, there is nothing to show for my effots( and besides, I see the dust bunnies have started again-already).

But here are photos of Keith's accomplishments.
A table Keith started 2 years ago and finished the first part of
confinment.....temporary resting place

Table from the side
On top is a set of trays- 2nd project and letter boxes-3rd and 4 project
Now upstairs - upstairs hall or mezzanine ....for those that have been here before, NO ugly flower paper on the wall
Keith spent time removing the paper and when confinment was over, bought paint and painted the nice and clean looking

Keith had bought the clock kit a few years back, now he used his time (pun intended ) to
make a clock

Closer look at one of 3 letter boxes

Closer look at trash or 

Small stepping stool

For my robe in the bathroom...we had bought tiles on vacations, so always a question what to do with the tiles

A case for my photos...the large photos are 70cm wide, so this is is wonderful- thanks my love, I needed this

Now he is working in the bathroom. Wall paper is off and he is in the process of smoothing the walls.
Tile had been on the walls in the past, and we did a light sanding and hung the paper! Well the flaws showed. It is time to clean it up. Big job ahead, and it will be painted. No more paper in a steamy bathroom.